Published on Monday3rdFebruary2014

Taoiseach opens new NUI Galway Biomedical Science Building

Dr Sarah Gundy, Professor Abhay Pandit and Taoiseach Enda Kenny

Dr Sarah Gundy, Professor Abhay Pandit and Taoiseach Enda Kenny

Dr Sarah Gundy, Professor Abhay Pandit and Taoiseach Enda Kenny are pictured at the official opening of the €30 million NUI Galway Biomedical Science Building, which will host over 300 scientists.

Speaking at the opening, the Taoiseach said:

With the amount of research undertaken globally I am delighted that NUI Galway is up there with the best of them so that Ireland can play its part in creating a better future.

I last visited NUI Galway in July 2011 to open Ireland’s largest School of Engineering. Two-and-a-half years later, I am very happy to be able to mark another milestone in the University’s continued, and exponential development.

Today’s opening of the Biosciences research building is a wonderful development, and I congratulate President Jim Browne, his academic and administrative colleagues, the funders and all those involved in bringing this project to fruition.

Read the Taoiseach's full speech here.