Published on Wednesday20thApril2011

Taoiseach supports National Job Shadow Day

Taoiseach Enda Kenny today met with some participants in the Job Shadow Initiative at Government Buildings.

The Initiative, which is organised by the Irish Association of Supported Employment (IASE) gives people with disabilities the opportunity to Job Shadow in a job of their interest and gain a greater understanding of what is involved in that particular area of work. They also learn about the skills required and employers’ expectations from employees in the work place.

A number of participants in the Initiative are shadowing workers in the Department of the Taoiseach and the Department of Finance. Minister for Social Protection Joan Burton also supported the Initiative, with one participant, Austin Lynch, shadowing the Minister today.

Minsiter Burton said of the Job Shadow Initiative:

I am delighted to be participating in National Job Shadow Day. Today, hundreds of people with disabilities throughout Ireland will have the opportunity to shadow a workplace employee as they go through a normal working day in hundreds of employment locations across the country.

Read the press release on Minister Burton's support for the Initiative and listen to the audio of the Minister's comments here.