Published on Monday24thJune2013

Task Force to drive development of Big Data in Ireland – Bruton

Jennifer Condon, Manager Internationally Traded Services and Software, Enterprise Ireland, Minister Richard Bruton and Mr. Jason Ward EMC’s Director for Ireland, Scotland and UK North

Jennifer Condon, Manager Internationally Traded Services and Software, Enterprise Ireland, Minister Richard Bruton and Mr. Jason Ward EMC’s Director for Ireland, Scotland and UK North

Jobs Minister Richard Bruton today announced the establishment of a joint Industry/Government task force on Big Data to drive the development of this high-growth sector in Ireland.

One of the first actions to be implemented by the task force will be to identify and develop two Big Data pilot projects within the public service.

The Minister made the announcement while delivering a speech at a conference on Big Data and SMEs jointly organised by EMC and Enterprise Ireland.

The core members of the task force will be:

  • Government appointed Industry Partners – Mr Liam Casey of PCH, Mr John Herlihy of Google, and Ms Heather Reynolds of Eishtec
  • Mr Bill McCluggage – Chief Information Officer, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform
  • Senior officials representing the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Central Statistics Office, IDA Ireland, Enterprise Ireland, Science Foundation Ireland and the National Standards Authority of Ireland

Making the announcement, Minister Bruton said:

This group comprises representatives of all relevant State bodies as well as senior industry figures with major international experience in both Irish and multinational companies. I am convinced that this task force will have the insight and leadership necessary to help make Ireland a world-leader in this sector and create the jobs we need.

Read the full press release here.