Published on Thursday12thSeptember2013

Trade and Development Minister says Irish Aid programme is delivering for the world’s poorest people


Trade and Development Minister Joe Costello today highlighted the results being achieved by Ireland’s overseas development programme at the launch of the Irish Aid Annual Report 2012.

Launching the report in Dublin, Minister Costello said:

The Irish Aid programme – the Irish people’s aid programme – ensures that vulnerable communities can build a better future for their children over the long-term. Our aid programme can and does save lives.

The theme of this year’s report is Reducing Hunger, Strengthening Resilience. It highlights the difference which Irish Aid’s support is making in the lives of families affected by extreme hunger and poverty.

Minister Costello said:

Irish Aid works to strengthen the ability of vulnerable communities to cope with shocks such as natural disasters or illness. And today’s report shows these programmes are working: In Ethiopia in 2012, almost 7 million people were protected from hunger because of programmes supported by Irish Aid. In the Ntcheu District in Malawi, the number of children under five dying from malaria has reduced by 95% since 2010.

Our support is making a practical difference in people’s lives, enabling them access basic services like healthcare and education, and provide food and clothing for their families.

Read the full press release

