Category Index

Ireland will be Country of Honour in the 11th Beijing Chaoyang International Spring Carnival, to be held in Chaoyang Park, Beijing, from 10-15 February 2013. The annual Carnival is a highlight...

10 February, DUBLIN - EU Development Ministers will meet in Dublin over the next few days to discuss aid to Mali and efforts to help communities at risk of disaster to better prepare for shocks such as floods or...

Thursday, February 7th - Jimmy Deenihan TD, Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, has today announced a significant expansion of the Local and Regional Museums Scheme for 2013...

Frances Fitzgerald TD, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, is today hosting a EU regional consultation event with young people. The event which is being held in the Gresham Hotel is part of the ‘Young Voices - Have Your Say consultation...

Minister for Public Expenditure & Reform, Brendan Howlin TD, today (8 February 2013) welcomed the agreement reached by the European Council on the EU’s Budget for 2014-2020, which will see Ireland’s Structural Funds increase under the next funding round...

Public Expenditure & Reform Minister Brendan Howlin and European Affairs Minister Lucinda Creighton has welcomed the European Council agreement on the new Multi-Annual Financial Framework (MFF)...

7th February 2013 The Government today announced that legislation has been passed providing for the orderly...

I wish to make an important announcement for the information of the House....

An Garda Síochána has today published a Garda Metal Theft Crime Prevention....

