Category Index

OPW Minister Brian Hayes announced this morning that the ‘Free Day’ on the first Wednesday of every month is to continue in 2012....

Brian Hayes, Minister of State at the Department of Finance with special responsibility for the Office of Public Works, announced this morning that...

The Government today appointed - Ms Finola Flanagan as the full-time member of the Law Reform Commission...

Taoiseach Enda Kenny today launched Seachtain na Gaeilge at Government Buildings....

Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore and Justice Minister Alan Shatter today announced that Ireland will sign, subject to ratification, the Optional Protocol to the...

Education Minister Ruairi Quinn today announced his decisions on the patronage of new primary schools to be established in 2012 and 2013....

Environment Minister Phil Hogan announced today that €5 million in funding will be provided in 2012/2013 to support the creation and...

Shane McEntee TD, Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine with responsibility for Forestry, marked National Tree Week...

Mr Alan Shatter TD, Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Mr James Reilly TD, Minister for Health and Ms. Kathleen Lynch, TD who is Minister of...

Jobs Minister Richard Bruton today announced the creation of 80 new jobs in Galway by cloud computing company The Government...

