Category Index

The Minister of State for European Affairs, Lucinda Creighton TD, today (5th March 2012) announced the creation of 35 new jobs by Western Union at...

The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise & Innovation, Richard Bruton TD, today [Monday] announced the creation of 80 new jobs in Galway by cloud...

In response to the growing crisis in Syria, Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr. Eamon Gilmore TD, has pledged to make up to €500,000 available to Irish Aid’s...

Jimmy Deenihan TD, Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, today (Monday 5th March, 2012) officially opened the new AIB Art Collection...

Today's Sunday Business Post carries a story under the completely misleading headline 'Government tried to conceal key parts of Bailey case...

Ta an-áthas orm bheith i bhur láthair anocht ar an ócáid speisialta seo. Táim thar a bheith buíoch daoibh as an cuireadh agus an fáilte. I am...

International Science Hack Day kicked off in Dublin today, Saturday 4th March. This Science Hack Day is one of the key events in the Dublin City of...

Social Protection Minister Joan Burton today visited the Employment and Advice Fair in Blanchardstown Shopping Centre. The Fair took place over...

In a number of the judgements by the Supreme Court yesterday dealing with the appeal of Ian Bailey against an order for his extradition reference was...

Simon Coveney TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine today announced the awarding of a contract to carry out a review of certain...

