Category Index

Mr. John Perry, T.D. Minister for Small Business today (Wednesday) announced the publication of a new guide for businesses, “Business Continuity Planning in Severe...

Good Morning and welcome to the launch of the report ‘Overweight and Obesity among 9-Year-Old Children in Ireland’ which is the latest publication from ‘Growing Up in Ireland’ - the National Longitudinal Study of Children....

Children Minister Frances Fitzgerald and Health Minister James Reilly today jointly launched the report Growing Up in Ireland - Overweight and Obesity Among 9-Year-Olds....

Minister for Transport, Tourism & Sport Leo Varadkar has today (Wednesday) welcomed plans by Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) to increase capacity from Dublin to Copenhagen, Stockholm and Oslo next year....

"The challenges facing us are very different to those we faced when the current National Action Plan for Social Inclusion was drawn up in 2007" said Minister for Social Protection, Joan Burton TD today (9th November...

Defence Minister Alan Shatter today launched the Winter-Ready Information Campaign at the National Emergency Coordination Centre in Dublin. Also in attendance at the launch were Environment Minister...

The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine today issued advice to farmers in relation to liver fluke in livestock based on advice received from the Liver Fluke Advisory Group....

The Minister for European Affairs, Lucinda Creighton T.D. today officially opened the National Volunteer Managers Conference in Dublin. Volunteer Ireland, as the National Coordinating Body of The European Year of...

The prospect of a city-bike scheme for Waterford city was the subject of an important symposium organised in Waterford today. Business interests, elected representatives, members of the public and civic...

Today, the Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Mr. Alan Shatter, T.D., launched the Winter-Ready Information Campaign at the National Emergency Coordination Centre in Dublin. Also in attendance at the launch were Mr. Phil Hogan T.D.........

