Category Index

The Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Eamon Gilmore, T.D. wrapped up his official visit to Russia today with the signing of an agreement on a programme for trade and economic cooperation between Ireland and...

Finance Minister Michael Noonan's arrival and doorstep at the Eurogroup meeting today in Brussels can be viewed below, courtesy of the website of the European Commission...

The Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairí Quinn T.D., today welcomed delegates to the 10th Asia-Europe Classroom Network Conference (AEC-NET), which is being held in Ireland for the first time....

The Minister for Social Protection, Joan Burton TD and Mayor Caitríona Jones today (7th November) officially launched South Dublin County Council’s 6th Annual Social Inclusion Week....

Joan Burton TD, Minister for Social Protection today (Monday, 7th November) addressed a seminar on aspects of the recently published report of the Inter-Departmental Mortgage Arrears Working Group. The seminar...

Shane McEntee TD, Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, in his address congratulated Cré on the establishment of the...

The Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairí Quinn T.D., today welcomed the successful delivery of 14 new schools under the 2011 Rapid Delivery Programme...

Róisín Shortall, T.D. Minister of State with responsibility for Primary Care at the Department of Health, today (Saturday, 5th November) opened the Annual Work Conference of the Family Support Network...

Ladies and gentlemen. I am delighted to be here today in the Bon Secours, Galway to officially open the new Phase 2 Development of the Hospital. I am glad to say that the new development greatly enhances...

Taoiseach Enda Kenny gave a doorstep interview to the media, following his speech to the Small Firms Association annual lunch. View the full doorstep below...

