Category Index

Frances Fitzgerald TD, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, has today contributed to the special Dail debate...

Minister Simon Coveney was guest speaker today at the 9th North Atlantic Seafood Forum in Bergen, Norway...

Social Protection, Joan Burton Minister has today urged employers to play their part to build on the success....

The Minister for Social Protection, Joan Burton T.D., has today (5th March 2014) urged employers to play their part...

Jobs Minister Richard Bruton today announced that innovative technology company, VCE, plans to create up to 150 new R&D positions...

Kathleen Lynch, Minister of State with responsibility for Disability, Equality, Mental Health and Older People...

This Government was formed in the face of the worst economic crisis in the history of the State. At a time when the financial...

I am happy for this opportunity to inform the House on the Government’s priorities for the year ahead....

The Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairí Quinn TD, updated his Cabinet colleagues on the follow-up...

4th March 2014 Taoiseach Enda Kenny and Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore today marked the Government's third year...

