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€5m funding for Health Innovation Hub

20160126 BrutonVaradkarHealthHub

Minister Bruton and Minister Varadkar speaking to the media about the funding today

€5 million in funding has been announced over five years for the Health Innovation Hub. The Hub is a partnership between private sector companies and the health service to develop groundbreaking Irish healthcare products and research and use them to benefit of Irish patients. 

The Hub was set up on a pilot basis in 2012 in University College Cork. 

Jobs Minister Richard Bruton and Health Minister Leo Varadkar announced the funding this morning. 

The Hub has already supported 23 projects involving 27 companies including:

  • an online tool for GPs to monitor the physical activity of patients via a smartphone or wearable devices;
  • scheduling services to improve patient flow;
  • infection control and hygiene management systems.

And it has helped Irish-based companies to sell their technology abroad:

  • · Abtran, who were testing an electronic GP referral system were able to use the knowledge gained to tender for a similar service in a UK
  • Trust;
  • · Radisens, who were validating point of care testing equipment, have now closed a contract with a Tier‐1 strategic customer for Troponin development. Radisens secured a significant ESA contract valued at €1m to develop an innovative blood testing device for use by astronauts on board the International Space Station and on various human spaceflight missions;
  • · Lincor Solutions tested bedside units to provide entertainment, education and access to clinical data. Access to clinical data provides the clinical team with more information at patient bedside and can improve patient satisfaction.

For more information read the press release here