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6,000 new places on Springboard 2012 - Quinn

Education Minister Ruairi Quinn and Minister of State for Training and Skills Ciarán Cannon today announced 6,000 new part-time higher education places for unemployed people as part of a further roll out of the Springboard initiative.

36 institutes of technology, universities and privately-run higher education colleges around the country will be offering 220 Springboard courses.

These courses will be in the expanding enterprise areas of ICT, medical devices, the green economy, pharmaceuticals, food and beverages, and international financial services. Programmes will also be available in cutting edge cross-enterprise skills such as Six Sigma, lean and quality systems, international selling, languages, business start-up and entrepreneurship skills.

Courses are free, part-time, and are at certificate, degree and postgraduate level.

Announcing the 6,000 places today, Minister Quinn said:

The Government is committed, through the Action Plan for Jobs, to supporting business to create jobs and getting growth back into the economy. Springboard is providing a dynamic pipeline of job-ready graduates with the skills and qualifications that the expanding growth sectors of our economy need.

Over 3,500 people are due to graduate this month from the first round of Springboard programmes, which were put in place in 2011.

The eligibility criteria have been expanded to include people who were previously self-employed and people in receipt of an extended number of social welfare payments such as the Disability Allowance and the Carer’s Allowance.

A Freephone Guidance line 1800 303523 is also being put in place to assist people with course choices and applications. The HEA-funded Freephone line is being hosted in the Irish National Organisation of the Unemployed. spoke to Gerry Rellis, founder of and Ronan Slater, Senior Consultant at FTI Treasury; both graduates of the Business Innovation Programme of the Springboard initiative, at the launch:

Read the full press release here.