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10 days left to avail of reduced ‘Protect Our Water’ Registration Fee of €5 - Hogan

Environment Minister Phil Hogan today encouraged owners of septic tanks to avail of the reduced registration fee of €5, before the deadline of September 28th 2012. He thanked the 76,000 householders who have already registered.

Minister Hogan said:

I want to take the opportunity to remind people they can only avail of the reduced registration fee of €5 until the 28th of September 2012 after that it will cost €50. Anecdotal evidence has shown that the introduction of the registration has already improved our environment with people locating their tanks for the first time in years and getting them de-sludged. People can register on

Speaking in the Dáil, the Minister said:

There are two main reasons for the implementation of the registration and inspection regime for septic tanks. The key objective is to enhance and protect public health and the environment which will, in turn, benefit rural dwellers in terms of a better quality of life and better quality water. Protecting our environment will also have positive economic benefits for the tourism, recreation, agricultural and food-producing sectors, all of which rely on clean water. Clean water is vital for attracting inward investment and to support water hungry sectors such as pharmaceuticals and ICT.

The second reason for the legislation is to ensure compliance with the European Court of Justice ruling against Ireland in October 2009 in relation to the treatment of waste waters from septic tanks and other on-site wastewater treatment systems, which the last Government failed to address.

Homeowners who have a septic tank or waste-water treatment system need to register their system by 1st February 2013. The registration fee is €5 until 28th September 2012 increasing to €50 after that date.

Read the full press release here.