
The Minister for Education and Skills Ruairí Quinn, T.D., has sent his congratulations to the country’s 57, 532 Leaving Certificate students who are receiving their examination results today....

Enterprise Minister Richard Bruton today published his consultation paper on reform of the State’s employment rights and industrial relations structures, and invited submissions from interested parties by 16th...

Education Minister Ruairí Quinn has today given the green light to Co. Monaghan Vocational Education Committee to proceed to the next stage in the construction of a €35 million education campus. Following a tender process, the VEC will commence construction...

Health Minister James Reilly today welcomed the publication of the HIQA report on emergency transport for people requiring transplant surgery outside Ireland. On 4th July, 2011 Dr Reilly requested that HIQA...

Enterprise Minister Richard Bruton today announced that he is increasing the number of businesses exempt from the requirement to hire external auditors to the maximum level permitted under EU law, a move that is expected to save Irish...

Social Protection Minister Joan Burton today announced that over €198 million is being provided for her Department’s Back to Education Allowance scheme (BTEA) for the 2011/12 academic year...

obs Minister Richard Bruton today announced that 445 jobs will be created in 24 new high potential start-up companies which have been supported by government through Enterprise Ireland in the second quarter of 2011.The announcement follows...

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney TD, today welcomed a decision by the South African authorities, following representations from his Department and the Irish Embassy, Pretoria, to bring their BSE testing requirements for Irish beef

Transport Minister Leo Varadkar today launched the second major road project in less than a week, when he turned the sod on the N22 Tralee Bypass. Speaking today, the Minister said...

Today the President signed into law the Communications Regulation (Postal Services) Act 2011 which transposes the EU Third Postal Service Directive and marks the final step in opening the market to full competition...

