
The Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, in association with the Managing Director of SuperValu, Ian Allen, have today (23rd March 2023) launched the 2023 SuperValu TidyTowns competition.

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar is in Brussels today at a meeting of the European Council to discuss Ukraine, the Windsor Framework, economic issues, energy, and migration.

Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Charlie McConalogue T.D. today announced the opening of two new support measures for the suckler and beef sectors:

The Minister for Social Protection, Heather Humphreys TD, and Minister of State, Joe O’Brien TD, have today announced a series of improvements to Community Employment (CE) Schemes.

Minister O’Brien, has signed new Drinking Water Regulations to protect human health by enhancing drinking water standards from source to tap and to ensure it is wholesome and clean.

Minister O’Brien today announced changes to the Capital Advance Leasing Facility (CALF) funding model, the main funding scheme used by the Approved Housing Bodies (AHB) sector to provide social housing

Minister of State for Employment Affairs and Retail Business, Neale Richmond T.D., has welcomed the Central Statistics Office’s (CSO) Ireland’s Retail Economy 2022

D’fhógair an tAire Oideachais Norma Foley TD inniu (Dé Céadaoin 22 Márta 2023) sonraí maidir le scéim nua ceannródaíoch leabhar bunscoile in aisce a chuireann leabhair scoile in aisce ar fáil i mbunscoileanna agus i scoileanna speisialta.

Minister for Education Norma Foley TD has today (Wednesday 22 March 2023) announced details of a groundbreaking new scheme which provides free schoolbooks in primary schools and special schools.

The Minister of State for Heritage and Electoral Reform at the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Malcolm Noonan TD, has today launched a public consultation on the review of the Open Seasons Order for birds, which allows for the hunting of certain bird species.

