
Today, May 5th 2021 marks the 5th anniversary of the official creation of Mayo International Dark Sky Park, an area of outstanding natural beauty which adds another aspect to the already stunning Wild Nephin National Park...

Today’s Exchequer figures show that tax revenues in April were €3.1 billion, over €220 million, or 8 per cent, higher than profiled and 20 per cent up on the same month last year...

The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Michael McGrath TD, today (Wednesday) published the Public Service Performance Report 2020...

2020 National Litter Pollution Monitoring System Results show cigarette litter, packaging litter, food-related litter and plastic litter to be the main causes of litter in our communities...

Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, Simon Harris TD has today (5 May 2021) granted Technological University (TU) status to Athlone Institute of Technology and Limerick Institute of Technology...

The Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly TD, the Minister for Disability, Anne Rabbitte TD and the Minister for Mental Health and Older People, Mary Butler TD, have welcomed the publication of the Ombudsman report today (5 May 2021) ‘Wasted Lives: Time for a better future for younger people in Nursing Homes”...

The Health Protection Surveillance Centre has today been notified of 2 additional deaths related to COVID-19...

Today Catherine Martin TD, Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, announced details of Cruinniú na nÓg 2021...

