
Receiving update on Project Woodland, members told...

The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Michael McGrath TD, today (21st of April 2021), launched the Final Progress Report for Our Public Service 2020 – the Government’s framework for development and innovation in the Public Service...

Ireland’s COVID-19 vaccination programme strategy is to distribute all available vaccine as quickly as is operationally possible, prioritising those who are most vulnerable to COVID-19...

Minister of State with responsibility for Financial Services, Credit Unions and Insurance, Sean Fleming TD has today (Wednesday) welcomed Government approval for an extension of the timeline to allow credit unions to hold their 2020 Annual General Meetings virtually to the end of June 2021...

Joe O’Brien, TD, Minister of State with responsibility for Community Development and Charities today highlighted the importance of volunteers and volunteer managers throughout the country particularly in the context of the Covid pandemic and the immense volunteer efforts that have been evident in communities across Ireland over the past year...

The Minister of State with responsibility for Disability, Anne Rabbitte T.D., attended the High-level Videoconference on The European Strategy...

Welcomes Government’s “Be Summer Ready” campaign...

Minister for Justice Helen McEntee and Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform Michael McGrath announce new fund to help local communities...

