
In response to the volcanic eruptions near Goma in the Democratic Republic of Congo...

Research call on Social, Economic & Environmental Impacts of Reduced Working Time...

The Minister of State for European Affairs, Thomas Byrne, T.D., will join his ministerial colleagues at a meeting of the General Affairs Council (GAC) in Luxembourg on Tuesday 22 June...

A month ago on 25 May, we marked the centenary of the 1921 Custom House fire during the War of Independence which claimed nine lives and nearly destroyed the landmark neo-classical building on the River Liffey’s north quay...

Peter Burke, Minister of State for Planning and Local Government, has allocated funding of €62,000 to support women councillors establish caucuses in their areas...

The Minister of State for Overseas Development Aid and Diaspora, Colm Brophy, T.D., today approved the award of 180 Irish Aid fellowships...

€311m of European Union funding providThe Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Mr. Michael McGrath T.D. and the Minister for Health, Mr. Stephen Donnelly, T.D. welcomed the funding provided by the European Commission of €311m for the purchase of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).ed to support Ireland’s purchase of Personal Protective Equipment...

Back to School Clothing and Footwear Allowance is now open for new applications...

Minister of State for Planning and Local Government Peter Burke TD is today travelling to Limerick to meet with key stakeholders who will be involved in the establishment of the office of a Mayor to represent the people of Limerick City and County...

Minister of State for Planning and Local Government Peter Burke TD is today travelling to Limerick to meet with key stakeholders who will be involved in the establishment of the office of a Mayor to represent the people of Limerick City and County...

