
NDFEM have been liaising with Met Éireann regarding the current forecasted weather period.

Ireland invested a record €295 million in humanitarian responses around the world last year, an increase of 65% from 2019.

Minister Donohoe brought a Memorandum for Government to Cabinet outlining plans to increase use of centralised procurement arrangements.

Over 200 students from Irish Aid partner countries will take up positions in third level institutions all over Ireland next month.

Minister Fleming this week delivered the opening address to the National Conference of State Legislators in Indianapolis, United States of America.

Minister Humphreys encourages eligible groups to apply for shared spaces funding under new PEACEPLUS Programme

Ministers Harris and O’Brien announce plan to develop a design standard for Purpose Built Student Accommodation

€10 million for a 2023 Bioeconomy Demonstration Initiative under the EU Just Transition Fun

Minister McConalogue announced the outcome of the review of the Herring Management Policy in relation to the Herring 6a South quota for non-ringfenced vessels.

Minister McGrath has responded to the technical outage at BOI that emerged yesterday affecting customers using the mobile app and 365Online service. 

