
The National Skills Council has met today (Tuesday) to discuss the challenges facing women and people with disabilities accessing the labour market....

The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Michael McGrath TD, is pleased to confirm that the Government has approved a plan for a review of the Freedom of Information Act...

106,245 people receive the Pandemic Unemployment Payment this week, a fall of 4,525 on last week...

Following the Government meeting today (Tuesday), the Minister for Finance, Paschal Donohoe, T.D., has announced that there will be no change to the Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme (EWSS) for the month of October 2021...

Minister for Mental Health, Mary Butler, TD, has today confirmed that a historic deficit in mental health funding has been cleared in the funding allocation of 2021...

Programme will provide up to 500 additional places for Afghan family members...

Waiting lists reduced from 6 months to 6 weeks thanks to Galway health services in the community...

The Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly, TD has welcomed Positive Ageing Week 2021. This years theme is focused on Reconnecting Communities by Reframing Ageing...

The Minister of State, Sean Fleming T.D today confirmed the announcement that the Credit Institution Resolution Levy for 2022 will be reduced to 0.024914% of assets (approximately €5 million) and the Credit Union Stabilisation Levy for 2022 will be reduced to 0.0015033% of assets (approximately €300,000)...

Minister for State for European Affairs, Thomas Byrne, has travelled to New York to participate in two high-level UN meetings on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation...

