
Over five hundred small business owners and managers today attended a pilot one-stop-shop event for SMEs...

Jobs Minister Richard Bruton, today welcomed the conclusion of long-running talks on a trade and investment protection agreement with Canada...

Education Minister Ruairi Quinn will today lead a major Enterprise Ireland education and technology mission that....

17th October 2013 In a video message released this morning, Taoiseach Enda Kenny reaffirmed his expectation that Ireland will exit its bailout programme this December...

Environment Minister Phil Hogan today announced that the Government has approved Exchequer funding for a pyrite remediation scheme...

15th October 2013 Finance Minister Michael Noonan and Public Expenditure Minister Brendan Howlin today announced the measures of Budget 2014....

Senator George Mitchell, former Intel CEO Craig Barrett and Dr Anne Merriman are among the recipients of the 2013 Presidential Distinguished Service Awards announced today...

The Taoiseach met with representatives of the former residents of Priory Hall this evening to discuss the Resolution Framework...

Tánaiste & Foreign Affairs Minister Eamon Gilmore has today condemned the murder of two men in Northern Ireland...

Responding to the publication of the HIQA Report today, the Minister for Health expressed his sincere sympathy to the Halappanavar family for the loss of Savita....

