
Enterprise Minister Richard Bruton today published “Pillar A” of the new Companies Bill, which will make it cheaper and easier to start and run a business...

Enterprise Minister Richard Bruton has announced the creation of 125 jobs over the next three years in Dublin with Marketo, one of the fastest growing Silicon Valley cloud computing companies. The initiative is supported by the Government through IDA Ireland....

Education Minister Ruairi Quinn today announced the formal rec0gnition of Educate Together as a second level patron. The Minister made the announcement at Educate Togther's Annual General Meeting....

Agriculture Minister Simon Coveney and Chinese Vice-Minister have today signed an “an action plan on mutual co-operation between the two countries in the agri-food and fisheries sectors.”...

Education Minister Ruairi Quinn today announced new regulations designed to ensure that schools only hire appropriately qualified registered teachers. Speaking today the Minister said...

Enterprise Minister Richard Bruton today launched the 2011 Enterprise Ireland SuperValu Supplier Development Programme. The programme will see ten young Irish food start-up companies receive customized training and one-on-one mentoring support....

Taoiseach Enda Kenny spoke today at the Institute for British-Irish Studies annual conference. The topic of today's conference was "North-South Institutions and Cross-Border Relations: Commemorating Opportunities and Achievements".

Environment Minister Phil Hogan today welcomed the confirmation from the UK that the nuclear safety stress testing regime developed in response to the nuclear accident at the Fukushima plant in Japan would be applied to Sellafield....

Communications Minister Pat Rabbitte today launched Saorview, RTÉ's free to air Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) service. The new digital network, which has been built by RTÉ and RTÉ Networks...

Taoiseach Enda Kenny today delivered a keynote speech at the Intel open forum on "Transforming Education in Ireland". The event was the second annual forum organised by Intel, and is "designed to bring together stakeholders in the education process and provide a platform for them to express their opinions and suggest possible avenues to improve it...

