
Monday 9th of May 2011 Taoiseach Enda Kenny today attended the launch of the Getting Irish Business Online initiative. Also present at the launch in Google...

Communications Minister Pat Rabitte today announced a new Rural Broadband Scheme aiming to provide universal broadband access in Ireland by the end of 2012...

Taoiseach Enda Kenny, has congratulated all of those elected to the Northern Ireland Assembly

Public Expenditure and Reform Minister Brendan Howlin today noted the progress in reducing the size of the public service pay bill in the first quarterly report to EU/IMF/ECB...

Transport Minister Leo Varadkar today announced a €1 million fund to spruce up train stations. Making the announcment at the Iarnród Éireann Annual Best Station Awards, the Minister said...

Minister of State for Agriculture, Shane McEntee, today announced a grant aid package of €4.1 million under the 2011 Scheme of Investment Aid for the Development of the Commercial Horticulture Sector...

A special sitting of the Dáil will be held on 9 May to mark Europe Day. The Taoiseach, Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn and Ireland’s MEPs will address Dáil Éireann on the future of Europe and Ireland’s role in the European Union...

Thursday 5th of May Taoiseach Enda Kenny visited Ground Zero yesterday as part of his trip to New York. This visit was followed by interviews with Reuters and Fox Business News and a briefing with the IDA...

Minister of State for Research & Innovation today welcomed the results of a survey which showed growth in expenditure on Research & Development in Ireland....

Thursday 5th of May 2011 Enterprise Minister Richard Bruton today announced 300 new full and part time jobs in the Dundrum area. The creation of the jobs...

