
Over the past week, twenty-four white-tailed eagle chicks have been released in locations around Lough Derg, the Shannon Estuary and the west of Ireland.

Minister Humphreys has confirmed that the Humanitarian Assistance Scheme is available to those living in properties directly affected by the flooding in Meath.

Minister Donohoe, today, (Thursday), published Digital for Good: Ireland’s Digital Inclusion Roadmap.

Minister Martin, today announced funding of over €1.1 million for the promotion of Irish arts globally through Culture Ireland’s Grants Programme.

This year, the Government is investing €1.9 billion in green, cleaner travel options such as public transport, walking and cycling infrastructure.

Minister Heather Humphreys together with Minister Charlie McConalogue and Minister Pippa Hackett have called for applications to the LEADER Food Initiative .

Minister Humphreys today published the Department of Rural and Community Development’s new Statement of Strategy.

The Minister for Finance, Michael McGrath TD, is pleased to announce that Mr. Michael McMahon, will be assuming the role of ‘Acting Chair’ of the Irish Fiscal Advisory Council, until the selection process for a new Chair has been completed

Minister for Justice Helen McEntee TD has welcomed the passage of the Judicial Appointments Commission Bill 2022 through its final stages in Seanad Éireann.

