
Following a meeting this morning between An Taoiseach, the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, and the Minister for DPER/Finance, a pathway to introduce measures already outlined for the Childcare Sector has been agreed.

Leaving Certificate written examinations postponed until late July/August. Junior Cycle examinations in June replaced with school-based exams and assessments early in the new school year

€1 billion in Liquidity Measures available for SMEs €180m Sustaining Enterprise Fund launched

A Memorandum of Understanding has been formally agreed between the Departments of Health for the Republic and Northern Ireland to underpin and strengthen North South co-operation on the public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic...

Minister for Health Simon Harris, T.D., has today announced further measures to support nursing homes residents in the context of the overarching response to COVID-19.

An Exchequer deficit of €2,535 million was recorded to end-March 2020...

The Office of Government Procurement recently launched a webpage to facilitate offers of assistance from businesses and other organisations that are seeking to provide supplies or services in support of the national response to Covid-19...

The Community Call, a major initiative that links local and national government with the community and voluntary sectors, was announced today by Government...

Statement on response to COVID-19 on the island of Ireland...

An Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar spoke by phone with Chinese Premier, Li Keqiang, this morning.

