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Minister Bruton announces 860 extra Special Needs Assistants by end 2016

20160614 BrutonDoorstepSNAs

Minister Bruton speaking to the media about the announcement today

Education Minister Richard Bruton today announced the provision of 860 additional Special Needs Assistants which will be available for allocation to schools over the period September to December 2016, a 7% increase, in order to meet the level of assessed demand.

This will bring the total number of Special Needs Assistants to 12,900, at a total gross annual cost of €425m. This increase reflects the growing participation of children with Special Needs and will support their full participation and progression within the educational system. 

There will also be a comprehensive assessment of the SNA Scheme, to be carried out by the National Council for Special Education. The aim of this process will be to provide better outcomes for students with special educational needs and to ensure that we are making the best form of additional investment for children with special needs. 

Minister Bruton said: 

The aim of this Government is to use our economic success to create a fair and compassionate society. In few areas is this more important than in making sure that children with special educational can fully participate in schools and maximising their chances of going on to other opportunities. 

For more information read the press release here.