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Burton hosts Pre-Budget Forum for community organisations

Social Protection Minister Joan Burton today met with over 30 voluntary and community groups at the Pre-Budget Forum, which gives the groups a chance to have an input into the Budgetary process.

Speaking at the Forum, the Minister highlighted the crucial role played by the Department’s Budget in preventing poverty and stabilising the economy.

The Forum enables the organisations to discuss their views on the Budget with the Minister and senior Departmental officials.

This year’s Forum was chaired by a moderator, Ms Olivia O’Leary, and included a number of workshops on specific themes, such as children and families, illness and disability, and poverty and social inclusion.

Addressing the Forum, Minister Burton stressed that no decisions had been made in relation to measures for Budget 2014, and that the views heard at the Forum would be relayed to Government prior to any such decisions being taken.

The Minister said:

 The spend of my Department puts money in the tills of almost every business and shop in the State in a very immediate way as our customers spend their benefits and pensions each week, thereby maintaining domestic employment and economic activity.

The necessity to reduce overall Government current expenditure must be balanced against the primary redistributive role of the social protection system.  It is my firm belief that the options chosen to reduce overall expenditure can only be considered having regard to potential poverty impacts and the effect on demand in the wider economy.

Minister Burton said her focus in Budget 2014 would be to continue the wide-ranging reforms that have ensured the services offered by her Department provide both a safety net but also a springboard back to work – through both income supports and employment supports.

Read the full press release here.