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Coveney meets EU Fisheries Commissioner

Marine Minister Simon Coveney today met with Maria Damanaki, European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries in Luxembourg. They discussed the planned reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) and other topical issues relating to fisheries.

Minister Coveney invited the Commissioner to Ireland to meet the Irish Fishing industry in coastal communities.

Minister Coveney said

It is important from the perspective of furthering Irish ambitions that I build up a close working relationship with the Commissioner, so I saw this as an important opportunity to develop a rapport and connect in a meaningful way with Commissioner Damanaki. I had a frank and forthright discussion with her on the Reform of the CFP, and on Ireland’s priorities.

Any interference that results in Ireland losing the current benefits of the Hague Preferences within the reformed CFP would be totally unacceptable to me. The Hague Preferences were the payment made for Ireland granting access to our waters to other Member States and a recognition of the high costs involved for the State in the control of these rich fishing grounds.

Finally, the Minister said

“I will continue to liaise closely with the Federation of Irish Fishermen and other industry representatives to further develop Ireland’s negotiating position. I consider that today’s meeting with Commissioner Damanaki was very useful in giving her a full understanding of Ireland’s situation and the importance of the maintenance of a strong fishing industry supporting the fishing communities around our coast”.

 For the full details of the meeting read the full press release here.