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Easter 2016: who to follow on social media

The social media accounts you need to follow over Easter and why

This Easter weekend is going to see a lot of activity in Dublin and around the country to mark the centenary of the 1916 Rising. will have live updates throughout the weekend across all our social channels. If you haven’t followed us yet, find us on: Twitter; Facebook; Instagram; Youtube; and Flickr. If you're on Snapchat, you can add us for a behind the scenes look at what goes into running the weekend's events, as well as live updates and clips from the parade. Our username on Snapchat is Merrionstreet.  

The main event is the wreath laying ceremony at the GPO on O'Connell street, which takes place on Easter Sunday. There will also be a parade on Sunday, which starts at 10am at St Stephen’s Green and makes its way up past the GPO, arriving as the ceremony finishes at 12.30pm. The parade then continues towards Bolton street. You can find all the important information on the events at the Ireland 2016 website here. 


The parade route is marked in green

We’ve put together a list (in no particular order) of the key social media players who will be posting updates across the weekend. Make sure you’re following all of these accounts if you want to stay up to date with the Easter commemorations this week:

  1. Ireland 2016: The Ireland 2016 team have coordinated a programme of events for the year under the theme "Remember, Reflect, Reimagine". They’ll be posting key information about the events this week, and they’ll keep you informed of further centenary events once Easter is over. A mix of logistics and historical facts & accounts, they’re essential for anyone interested in the centenary. Have a look at their accounts here: TwitterFacebookYoutubeInstagram 
  1. Dublin Town: Dublin Town is a not for profit organisation working to create a welcoming and economically viable city environment in Dublin. They represent over 2,500 city centre businesses and aim to promote the appeal of the city centre. Follow them for a look at what the atmosphere is like on the ground during the parade. For anyone who followed their coverage of the St Patrick’s Day parade, you can expect a similar kind of content this Sunday. Follow them on Twitter and Facebook
  2. Visit Dublin: The Visit Dublin account is run by Fáilte Ireland, and they’ll be posting mainly to Twitter across the weekend with a mix of public information and highlights from the parade. Follow them on Twitter here. 
  3. The Defence Forces: The Defence Forces will be busy on parade on Sunday, with 3,700 personnel marching in the parade representing the Army, the Navy and the Air Corps. 17 aircraft are involved, with a fly past planned over the GPO marking the end of the wreath-laying ceremony on Sunday. If you want a look at the Defence Forces operation over the weekend, and updates on the parade events, follow their Twitter. You can also keep an eye on their Flickr account for images from the weekend. Like us here at MerrionStreet, they've joined Snapchat so give them a follow. Their username is: Irish_DF
  4. The Gardaí: The Gardaí have two Twitter accounts, both of which are worth following this weekend. @gardatraffic will be posting information on road closures, and public information on what’s going on in the city. @gardainfo will have more general information on security and events around Dublin this weekend. Follow them here and here
  5. Transport for Ireland: Following the Transport for Ireland Twitter account will ensure you’re plugged in to what’s happening with public transport over Easter. Expect updates on your options for getting in and out of the parade, special fares and leap cards available, and information on the parade route. Find them on Twitter here.  
  6. Ireland: The @ireland Twitter account is run by a different person each week, and this Easter week it’s in the hands of John Concannon, director of the Ireland 2016 team. John’s been updating followers all week on all things 1916, including a look at some of the international events marking the weekend. Give the account a follow for the weekend that’s in it. Follow them on Twitter
  7. The Department of Foreign Affairs: The Department of Foreign Affairs will have a mix of live updates from Easter events in Dublin and information on what’s happening internationally to mark the weekend. They also have a section on their website with details on the global and diaspora programme for Ireland 2016. Check it out here. You can follow them on Twitter here. 
  8. RTE: RTÉ are live streaming all of the Easter events on the RTÉ player. These can also be viewed on the RTÉ player International  for anyone who wants to watch from outside the country. Their main social media account over the weekend will be the @rte Twitter page, where you'll find information on their broadcast schedule as well as live commemoration coverage. Follow them here.  RTÉ are also holding a major public history event on Easter Monday, RTE Reflecting the Rising, involving hundreds of talks, debates, music, walking tours, film and theatre events across the city in multiple locations. It's all free to attend for the public. Locations include St Stephen's Green, the Mansion House, and the Four Courts. 
  9. Century Ireland: Century Ireland are an online historical newspaper, and they’ll be live tweeting the 1916 Rising in real time across the weekend. You can follow along with the hashtag #1916Live. Give the account a follow to keep up to date with them. Follow them here. 
  10. Dublin City Council: Dublin City Council is encouraging everyone to come into the City to partake in the Easter commemorations over Easter weekend. They also  urge people to take public transport where possible as there will be significant traffic restrictions and a cordon in place on Easter Sunday. Follow them here.