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Household Charge compliance exceeds 80% - Hogan

Environment Minister Phil Hogan today thanked the vast majority who have registered their properties and paid the household charge. To date 1,286,802 properties have been registered and this includes 23,626 waivers. Almost €135m has been collected and reallocated to local authorities through the Local Government Fund.

Since 1 January 2013 the Household Charge has concluded and has been replaced with the Local Property Tax. The current liability for any household that has not paid the Household Charge is €145. However, any liability that remains un-discharged from 1 July 2013 shall be treated as a charge of €200 to the local property tax payable on that date, and the Revenue Commissioners will be responsible for collecting the outstanding charge through the LPT system.

The Minister said:

In the last few years Irish people have had a tough time of it and, in spite of that, almost 1.3 million people have paid the Household Charge. They recognise the importance of compliance with the law of the land and, by paying the charge, they have made their contribution to the provision of essential services in their own areas. I would like to thank them for this.

A concerted effort is needed over the next few years to return our country to prosperity. This will require strong leadership and a sustained commitment to the reform programme that is underway. We are making good progress. Ireland will recover and this Government, with the people’s help, will make sure of it. I strongly encourage those who haven’t done so to pay the Household Charge and avoid having to pay unnecessary late payment penalties.”

Read the full press release here.