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Minister Coveney welcomes Prince Albert II to Marine Institute in Galway

Marine Minister Coveney today welcomed His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco to the Marine Institute in Galway.  The visit was organised at the request of the Prince, Honorary Chairman of the

Institut Oceanographique

and the grandson of its founder, who keenly follows his family’s traditional interest in marine environmental awareness.  Minister Coveney said...

I am delighted to welcome His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco and his fiancée, Ms. Charlene Wittstock to the Marine Institute here in Galway.  The visit supports the development of shared links in a range of activities on the marine in both Ireland and Monaco.

Prince Albert and I were pleased that the Institutes signed a Memorandum of Understanding which reflects, in very concrete terms, the shared interest in the sustainable development of ocean resources between our two organisations.

We look forward to a fruitful collaboration between our two organisations in raising awareness of the very real issues that face us in the years ahead.

Click here to read the full Press Release