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Re-organisation of Defence Forces - Shatter

Defence Minister Alan Shatter today announced details of the re-organisation of the Permanent Defence Forces.

Minister Shatter said the development will enhance operational capabilities within a reduced resource envelope, and consolidate the current three army brigades into two larger brigades to ensure an appropriate balance between infantry and support elements.

The purpose of the re-organisation is to retain the capacity of the PDF to fulfil the roles assigned to the greatest extent possible within the strength ceiling of 9,500 and the significantly reduced resource envelope resulting from the fiscal difficulties of the State.  No reduction in the strength of the Permanent Defence Force will result from today’s announcement.

A central element of the re-organisation is to reduce the number of personnel engaged in headquarters, administrative and allied support tasks and to re-deploy posts to “front line” operational Units. The report received from the Chief of Staff and the Secretary General confirms that, with this re-organisation, the Permanent Defence Force can continue to fully meet operational requirements within the revised strength ceiling of 9,500 personnel. 

Minister Shatter said

Discussions will take place  with the representative associations. I look forward to their engagement during the implementation of the re-organisation.

Four barracks were closed in March 2012 following announcement of the proposed closures in November 2011. At that time, I also announced that there would be no further barrack closures during the lifetime of this Government. I have consistently stated that no further barrack closures are being considered in the context of this re-organisation and no such closures are proposed.

The Chief of Staff of the Defence Forces, Lieutenant General Sean McCann added

This is the single most serious and far reaching re-organisation of the Defence Forces in a generation and I fully recognise that the task of implementing this plan will rest on the shoulders of the men and women of Oglaigh na hEireann.

Read the full press release here.