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Shatter welcomes report arising from the incidents which took place at the concert in the Phoenix Park

Justice Minister Alan Shatter has received a report from the Garda Commissioner on the review carried out by An Garda Síochána arising from the incidents which took place at the concert in the Phoenix Park on Saturday 7 July.

Minister Shatter said:

These incidents were shocking and a comprehensive review was essential. I greatly appreciate the thoroughness and speed with which this has been carried out by the Garda Commissioner and welcome his frank and specific conclusions as to the lessons to be learned for the future planning and management of such events. These include issues with respect to risk assessment, venue and the implementation of effective security and safety measures.

I fully support An Garda Síochána in the actions they propose to prevent a recurrence of the incidents which arose at this concert and, in particular, their determination that everyone lives up to their responsibilities in this regard.

Read the full press release here.