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Your guide to Budget 2022
This guide provides a high-level overview of Budget 2022.
It aims to explain how money will be raised and spent in 2022.
Key measures in Budget 2022
- free GP care for children aged 6 and 7
- threshold for the Drug Payment Scheme lowered to €100
- €250 million to tackle hospital waiting lists
- free contraception for women aged 17-25
- €30 million to allow patients greater access to high-tech drugs
- expanding dental access to medical card patients
- 11,820 new social homes will be delivered through build, acquisition and leasing programmes. 9,000 of these will be new build homes
- €18 million for the delivery of Traveller accommodation
- 11,000 grants to adapt the homes of older people and people with a disability
- 14,800 new households to have their housing needs met under the Housing Assistance Payment and Rental Accommodation Scheme, in addition to supporting almost 82,000 existing tenancies under these schemes
- 1,165 additional SNA's, bringing the total number of SNA's to almost 19,200
- an additional 350 teachers to reduce school staffing schedules by 1 point for all primary schools
- 7,600 places in Further Education and Training courses in key skills areas of the economy
- 980 additional special education teachers working in special classes, special schools and mainstream settings to support children with special educational needs
- off-the-job training places for 7,000 craft apprentices impacted by COVID-19
- a €200 increase in the maintenance grant payment in the Student Support Scheme
- recruitment of up to 800 new trainee Gardaí and 400 Garda staff
Click here for Budget 2022: A citizen's guide - This document explains what the Budget is and gives an overview of the measures that are coming into place