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Statement by Minister Shatter on the Death of Mr Justice Kevin Feeney

Justice Minister Alan Shatter has paid tribute to the late Mr Justice Kevin Feeney who died suddenly yesterday.

The Minister said:

I wish to express my deepest sympathy to Mr Justice

Kevin Feeney's wife Geraldine and his children on their sudden and very sad

loss. Kevin was a judge of exceptional ability who graced the High Court

bench with courtesy and good humour. Given his dedication to public

service, his death at such a young age is a loss for the entire country.

He will be sadly missed by everyone who had the privilege of knowing him.

The Hon. Mr Justice Kevin Feeney was appointed to the High Court on 31

March 2006. He was a member of the Courts Service Board and served as

Chairman of the Referendum Commission on the 30th Amendment of the

Constitution in 2012.