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Taoiseach convenes special meeting on Floods at Government Buildings

Taoiseach Enda Kenny today received further detailed briefings from his Ministers and emergency officials on the latest developments and ongoing challenges in relation to flooding and adverse weather at a special meeting in Government Buildings. 

He also updated his colleagues on his visit to the Shannon basin yesterday, including a number of hard hit areas around Athlone. 

I have directed that the appropriate government departments bring memos to next Tuesday's Cabinet meeting outlining actions taken to date, and what further measures than can be taken to mitigate the suffering of those affected. This is to include a memo from the Department of the Environment on long term flood forecasting, and harnessing an ability to coordinate data from all relevant agencies.

People affected by the ongoing flooding continue to show enormous resilience, and the community spirit in evidence, in tandem with the relentless work of local authorities and emergency services, cannot be commended enough. The voluntary work done locally, in particular, has been outstanding. 

Indications are that adverse weather will continue, so I've asked that all Ministers and officials remain vigilant and continue to manage the flood challenges across the country. 

The Tanaiste said:

I have seen at first hand the bravery shown by people faced with the recent appalling weather. I want to commend all of the emergency and voluntary services and the Local Authorities for their sterling work, and to remind everyone that further adverse weather is forecast, and challenges remain. I also want to remind people that the Community Welfare Services are available to everyone in flood affected areas and I urge people to avail of these services.