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Taoiseach Enda Kenny launchs Ireland’s 2015 Hour of Code

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Harry McCann, found of the Digital Youth Council, takes a selfie of the council with Taoiseach Enda Kenny and European Digital Girl of the Year 2014, Lauren Boyle

Taoiseach Enda Kenny launched Ireland’s Hour of Code programme which sees 206 events planned across the country in the coming week. A frontrunner in Europe’s drive to promote coding for young people, Ireland’s Hour of Code events are supported by the EXCITED Digital Learning Movement, stretching from Letterkenny Coder Dojo club in Co. Donegal to St. Patrick’s Boys National School in Skibbereen, Co. Cork.

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The Taoiseach learns to control the Sphero robot, instructed by Jack Boyle and Oisín Kyne of Colmac Robotics

Participants will complete a specially developed 60-minute coding tutorial that introduces basic coding skills, which are now seen as equally relevant for young people today as literacy, numeracy, linguistics and STEM subjects. The Hour of Code programme gives students a vital first introduction to the world of coding, firing the imagination for further creativity and digital exploration.

Having been the first Head of State to participate in the Hour of Code last year, the Taoiseach continued his coding education today, learning to control and manipulate a Sphero robotic ball. Speaking at the launch he said “Ireland is a global hub for digital innovation, attracting many of the leading companies in the world. It is imperative that we prepare our young people with the skills they will require to continue this digital revolution and coding skills are an essential part of that preparation.”

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The Taoiseach chats with Lauren Boyle, who taught him to code during last year's Hour of Code

In one of the largest global education initiatives ever undertaken, the Hour of Code programme has reached almost 150 million students worldwide. This year’s event is hoping to break the 200 million mark, introducing computer programming skills to young people in over 180 countries around the world.

The Hour of Code 2015 runs from December 7th - 13th. 

To learn more or get involved visit

See also: The Taoiseach got a coding lesson during the launch of last year's Hour of Code.