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Virtual Meeting of the European Council 25 to 26 March 2021

An Taoiseach Micheál Martin will participate in a video conference of EU Leaders this Thursday and Friday, the 25 and 26 March.


The meeting will discuss Covid-19, including efforts to increase the production, delivery and deployment of vaccines.


Leaders will also consider preparations for an interoperable digital vaccine certificate, as well as the global response to the pandemic, including COVAX.


The meeting will underscore the importance of the Single Market and the need to strengthen Europe’s competitiveness and resilience, accelerating the green and digital transformations.


In addition, they will consider EU relations with Turkey and with Russia.


US President, Joe Biden, will join the meeting by VC on Thursday evening to discuss strengthening EU/US cooperation.


Following their meeting on Friday, Leaders will meet as the Euro Summit where they will be joined by the President of the Eurogroup, Paschal Donohoe, to consider the international role of the euro.


Speaking before the meeting, the Taoiseach said:


I look forward to joining my EU colleagues this week for important discussions on Covid-19.


As the epidemiological situation worsens in many Member States, it is more important than ever that we use every tool available to us to increase the production, supply and distribution of vaccines.


Vaccine supply chains are complex and international and we need to keep them open to help us ramp up supply.


We will also consider how to strengthen the Single Market, which will be a key driver in securing Europe’s economic recovery post-Covid19.


I will be arguing for an open, productive and competitive EU, equipped to support the digital and green transformations.


I also look forward to our engagement with President Biden on Thursday evening.


As I discussed with him last week, the EU and the US are natural partners in the world - with many shared values and issues of mutual concern. We need to do more to strengthen cooperation between us.