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Weekly Round Up: November 30th - December 4th

Every Friday, we bring you the top five Government news stories of the week. Catch up on what you might have missed here. Click on the headlines to read the fully story.  

Taoiseach joins world leaders at the opening of climate change negotiations in Paris

On Monday, An Taoiseach joined world leaders in Paris for the opening of the global climate change negotiations, known as COP 21. He lent his support to an ambitious and comprehensive agreement.

Delivering Ireland’s National Statement, the Taoiseach called for an agreement that limits global temperature increases and sends a strong signal to all countries to make the transition to a low carbon, climate-resilient future.


Minister Fitzgerald hosts 3rd Annual Missing Persons Day

On Wednesday Minister Fitzgerald hosted the 3rd Annual Missing Persons Day in Farmleigh. Missing Persons Day provides an opportunity to raise public awareness of the numbers of people that go missing in Ireland each year. It is held annually on the first Wednesday in December.

Cabinet signs off on Supplementary Budget of €665M for Health

On Wednesday Cabinet signed off on a Supplementary Estimate of €665 million for 2015 to cover extra services provided this year such as free GP care for the under sixes and over 70s, and the Winter Initiative to tackle ED overcrowding, in addition to once-off costs.

Minister Varadkar welcomed the fact that the funding has become available saying:

This is further welcome investment in the health service which takes account of some very important initiatives launched this year including the Winter Initiative, the successful extension of GP care to the youngest and oldest in society, reducing waiting times for a nursing home place from the Fair Deal scheme to between two and four weeks, and meeting tougher maximum waiting times for inpatient and outpatient procedures. It reflects the fact that we are providing new high-tech medicines to patients, and funding treatments under the Long Term Illness Scheme.


Exchequer Returns shows surplus at the end of November for first time since 2007

The End November Exchequer Returns were released on Wednesday by the Departments of Finance and Public Expenditure and Reform.

Commenting on the exceptionally strong tax receipts, Finance Minister Michael Noonan said: 

With one month remaining in 2015, €41,972 million in tax revenue has been collected, €2,942 million ahead of target and up €3,815 million when compared to the same period last year. As has been the trend throughout the year, Corporation Tax receipts have been particularly strong, finishing the month €312 million or 24% above target. The Revenue Commissioners have advised me that this over-performance is primarily related to improve trading conditions and is broad based.  

November is an important month for VAT returns, and when compared to the same period last year, receipts are now up €934 million or 8.6%. This is a reflection of improved consumer confidence and increased retail sales for the year to date.

20151203 HourofCodeSelfieHarry McCann, found of the Digital Youth Council, takes a selfie of the council with Taoiseach Enda Kenny and European Digital Girl of the Year 2014, Lauren Boyle

Taoiseach Enda Kenny launchs Ireland’s 2015 Hour of Code

Taoiseach Enda Kenny launched Ireland’s Hour of Code programme which sees 206 events planned across the country in the coming week. A frontrunner in Europe’s drive to promote coding for young people, Ireland’s Hour of Code events are supported by the EXCITED Digital Learning Movement, stretching from Letterkenny Coder Dojo club in Co. Donegal to St. Patrick’s Boys National School in Skibbereen, Co. Cork.

Have a look at more photos from this week over on our Flickr  

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