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2016 Blue Star EU Primary School Programme for 2016 launch

Taoiseach Enda Kenny and Minister of State for EU Affairs and Data Protection Dara Murphy today, Thursday , 5th November, launched the Blue Star Programme for 2016 along with pupils from St. Mary’s National School, Dublin.

The objectives of the Programme, now in its 5th successful year, are to foster better understanding and knowledge of how the European Union affects our lives amongst Irish primary pupils through classroom projects and activities. The Blue Star Programme introduces participants – pupils, teachers, parents and the wider community - to the EU, what it means and how it works.

Last year, over 175 schools registered to take part in the Blue Star programme, with about 15,000 pupils engaging with Blue Star across the country. This year registrations have already exceeded that number and continue to rise. The Blue Star programme, managed by European Movement Ireland, is funded through the Government’s Communicating Europe Initiative and partners in the programme along with the Department of the Taoiseach are the European Commission Representation, European Parliament Information Office and the Department of Education and Skills

Taoiseach Enda Kenny said at the launch:

"Never has Ireland’s membership of the EU been more important. As we emerge from the economic crisis and work with our EU partners on matters of global importance such as the continuing immigrant situation in the Mediterranean. Ireland's relationship with the European Union positively affects all of our lives and it is important to increase understanding among our young citizens about how the European Union works. Education is key to ensuring that our youth are prepared for the future and the Blue Star Programme is an excellent part of this."

Minister Dara Murphy said:

"I’m delighted to see that we have more schools than ever signed up to the programme this year. The popularity of the Blue Star Programme continues to grow and it’s a testament to it’s continued success that we always receive positive feedback and more schools wishing to take part each year. This year we already have over 180 schools signed up for Blue Star,. It’s a great stepping stone for the children- and who knows we may have a future Catherine Day or Phil Hogan here amongst the pupils from St Mary’s here this morning," the Minister said.