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2022 Basic Payment Scheme Opens for Applications

The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine today announced that the application process for the 2022 Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) and the other related schemes has now opened.


Over the coming days, farmers will be receiving a BPS information pack in the post containing  their maps and land details for 2022. The pack will also include a useful help sheet. This information will assist farmers and their advisors to make their online application. The closing date for BPS applications in 2022 is Monday 16th May 2022. Farmers and advisors are urged to avail of the early opening of the application process now rather than waiting until nearer the closing date.


Farmers can apply for all elements of Direct Payments (BPS, Greening, Young Farmers Scheme, Protein Aid, National Reserve, transferring of entitlements) online. This helps to ensure that the Department can process all applications under these schemes as efficiently as possible.


Farmers are reminded to check that they have correctly applied for the Areas of Natural Constraint Scheme (ANC), if applicable. Annual payment claims for the Straw Incorporation Measure, Green Low-carbon Agri-environment Scheme (GLAS) and the Organic Farming Scheme can also be made online.


Note for Editors:

Over the coming days, farmers will be receiving their 2022 BPS packs in the post. Since 2018, all  these applications must be made online as required by EU Regulations. Thus, there is no paper application form in the pack. Full Terms and Conditions are available online, or on request as outlined below. The help sheet included in all farmers’ BPS packs is available at - Basic Payment Scheme (


All farmers will also be notified over the coming weeks of the current value of their payment entitlements  (2022) through


Should farmers wish to contact the Department in relation to online application they can do so at


  • 049 4368288    in relation to queries on registering for – for example queries on lost passwords, how to register etc.
  • 057 8674422 in relation to queries on completing the BPS application once registered on or to request a paper copy of the Terms and Conditions.