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310 Major School Building Projects Announced by Minister O’Sullivan

Minister for Education and Skills, Jan O’Sullivan, TD today announced a new programme of capital investment in schools. Running from 2016 to 2021 this significant investment will provide funding for 310 major school projects, resulting in an additional 62,000 permanent school places.

Speaking at the launch Minister O’Sulllivan said, “Over the next six years we will invest approximately €2.8bn in providing high-quality school accommodation throughout the country. This is a very tangible sign of this Government’s commitment to educational investment.

“The transparent list of projects that we are announcing today will provide 62,000 additional school places over the lifetime of the investment plan. The plan will also eliminate the need for any school to use pre-fabs as a long-term accommodation solution.”

“This investment plan is about looking to the future and ensuring that our school infrastructure is well prepared to accommodate our growing school population. The number of children attending both primary and post-primary schools is continuing to grow and taking a long-term, planned approach now is in the best interests of our future students and their parents.”

“This plan also addresses the requirements of many schools which are in need of upgrading and refurbishment, although they may not be experiencing significant demographic pressure.”

The capital investment plan announced today includes:

- 310 extension/refurbishment projects in existing schools for the period 2016 – 2021 (156 at primary level and 124 at post-primary and 30 in special schools)*
- 14 new schools in areas with very strong demographic demand (10 post-primary and 4 primary)**

Together these projects will provide 19,000 new primary schools places and 43,000 new post-primary places.



*This includes 50 projects which were part of the previous plan and which will go to construction in 2016

** Emerging demographic demand also indicates that in the period after 2018 new schools may be needed other areas. This data will be kept under continual review with a view to being updated in conjunction with the overall midterm review of the Government’s capital programme.

The data at present indicates that new schools may be necessary at post-primary level in areas such as South Kildare; Enfield (Kilcock feeder area); Galway City; North-West Dublin City; the Dublin 13 & Dublin 17 area; Kinnegad (Killucan feeder area); and the Mallow and Fermoy areas in County Cork, and the Milltown area of Dublin at primary level.

The investment plan announced today relates to major projects – generally costing in excess of €1m.

Capital funding for smaller projects – such as the addition of a classroom etc. is dealt with on an ongoing basis.

Details on projected number of students at both primary and post primary level is available at