
Today’s Exchequer Returns show that to end quarter 3, the Exchequer recorded a surplus of €2,344 million, a year-on-year improvement of €2,369 million, underpinned by proceeds of the...

The Minister with responsibility for Defence Mr Paul Kehoe, T.D., today, (Tuesday 3rd October 2017) addressed the Annual Delegate Conference (ADC) of the Permanent Defence Force...

The Minister for Justice and Equality, Charlie Flanagan, today (Tuesday) published the general scheme of the Communications (Retention of Data) Bill following approval by Cabinet...

Minister of State for Tourism and Sport Brendan Griffin T.D. today addressed the OECD High Level Meeting on Tourism in Paris. The event marks the occasion of the 100th meeting of the...

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am very pleased to be with you this morning to launch the Strategic Plan for Culture Connect for the period 2017 to 2019. Culture Connect is an established voice in...

The Minister for Education and Skills Richard Bruton T.D. has announced the minimum entry requirements for primary initial teacher education programmes for the 2018/2019 academic year...

Minister for Health Simon Harris TD today (Monday) appealed to doctors, nurses and all healthcare workers to get the flu vaccine. The Minister joined HSE staff to launch the 2017-18...

Many thanks Conor for your kind introduction and for the invitation to join you here for today’s announcement of 250 jobs, an important milestone for Veritas Ireland. I am delighted to be...

An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, Minister for Health Simon Harris and Minister of State Catherine Byrne today announced a range of investments from the new Healthy Ireland Fund, which...

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is following closely the ongoing developments in Catalonia...

