
The Cabinet, at its meeting today, approved the appointment of Supreme Court Judge, Ms Justice Mary Laffoy as Chairperson of the Citizens’ Assembly...

Minister of State for Disabilities, Finian McGrath TD, today appointed Mr Christy Lynch, Chief Executive Officer, KARE, to head the Task Force on Personalised Budgets...

The Minister of State for Regional Economic Development, Mr Michael Ring T.D., today established a Working Group to examine how Post Offices could act as community hubs arising from a recommendation from the Final Report of the Post Office Network Business Group...

Minister Denis Naughten TD and Minister Heather Humphreys TD have today (Wednesday, July 27th 2016) co-chaired the first meeting of the Taskforce on Mobile Phone and Broadband Access...

Minister Denis Naughten TD and Minister Heather Humphreys TD have today (Wednesday, July 27th 2016) co-chaired the first meeting of the Taskforce on Mobile Phone and Broadband Access...

The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Mary Mitchell O’Connor TD and Minister for Employment and Small Business...

The Minister for Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, Heather Humphreys TD, has today (Wednesday) published legislation which will reconfigure the Raised Bog...

The Coast Guard Rescue coordination centre in Dublin last night coordinated the successful rescue of a lone yachtsman who was discovered on his overturned...

Minister Harris today launched the National Treatment Purchase Fund's Endoscopy Waiting List 2016 Initiative...

Minister for Agriculture, Food and Marine, Michael Creed TD today expressed his sadness at the passing of jockey JT McNamara...

