
Thousands of people are expected to take part in a range of special commemorative events, performances and ceremonies across the country this weekend...

The consequences and implications of Justice Moriarty's judgement have been the subject of lengthy and detailed consultation between the Department and the Offices of the Attorney General...

Signing the rules of court for the second Special Criminal Court, the Minister for Justice and Equality Frances Fitzgerald TD today confirmed that all the necessary practical and procedural work to enable the second Special...

Thank you Secretary General. The unprecedented engagement from world leaders witnessed last December in Paris has...

Minister for Education and Skills, Jan O’Sullivan, today warmly welcomed the first ever Arts in Education National Portal Day which will take place tomorrow...

The Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government Alan Kelly T.D. was in New York today (22 April 2016) to sign on behalf of Ireland the Paris Agreement on climate change at a special ceremony at the United Nations Headquarters...

The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Richard Bruton TD today launched the first Strategy Statement of the Workplace Relations Commission, aimed at embedding...

The third National Conference on the teaching of Mathematics, Maths Counts 2016, is taking place on Friday and Saturday, 22 and 23 April in University College Dublin The conference is a celebration of best practice in the teaching of mathematics across Ireland...

With just 63 days to polling day in the UK’s referendum on its EU membership, Minister Flanagan made a comprehensive statement to the Dáil outlining his priorities and approach as Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade. He set out the uncertainties and complexities around the status of the border in the event the UK departed from the European Union...

Minister for Education and Skills, Jan O’Sullivan T.D. is attending the annual ceremony for International Student Ambassadors at Farmleigh today (Thursday 21 April). The event recognises the contribution made by international Student Ambassadors to supporting the work of Education in Ireland...

