
Tom Hayes, TD, Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine with responsibility for forestry, has welcomed...

Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Heather Humphreys TD, has today (Thursday) commended students from Virginia College...

Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney has welcomed today’s announcement by European Agriculture Commissioner Dacian Ciolos that he intends to introduce targeted market support...

Minister of State for Tourism & Sport, Michael Ring TD, has today (Thursday) published the Sport Ireland Bill 2014 following approval by the Government...

Minister of State at the Department of Arts Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Joe McHugh, T.D. today (August 27th) officially launched a radio series on the Great Houses of the North West on Ocean FM....

Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charlie Flanagan, TD, will this evening launch a weekend programme of sporting, business...

Minister for Housing and Planning Mr. Paudie Coffey T.D. today (27 August) welcomed the CSO Residential Property Price index...

Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney TD met with the Irish Farmers Association today to discuss the current issues in the beef sector. As part of an ongoing response to both...

The Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Paschal Donohoe TD, today (Wednesday) welcomed the latest official data on overseas travel from the Central Statistics Office (CSO), which showed an...

The Minister for Justice and Equality, Ms Frances Fitzgerald TD, has announced the appointment of Brian Murphy as the new Mountjoy Prison Campus Governor....

