
EU Foreign Ministers meeting in Brussels described the referendum held in eastern Ukraine yesterday as “illegitimate and illegal” and moved to impose additional sanctions against...

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney TD today attended the contract signing for the remediation of ‘Haulbowline Island Bridges’ a key...

The first ever strategy for the Further Education and Training (FET) sector is being launched by the Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairí Quinn T.D...

Charlie Flanagan TD, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs welcomes Erasmus+ (2014-2020) bringing over 16 million Euro to support youth work in Ireland over the next 7 years...

The Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources today launched the Energy Policy Green Paper for Ireland marking the beginning of a ten week public...

The Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources today launched the Energy Policy Green Paper for Ireland marking...

“As the largest group of health professionals, who are the closest and often the only available health workers to the population, nurses have a great responsibility...

The Minister for Health, Dr James Reilly TD, and Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Leo Varadkar, today (Monday 12 May 2014) welcomed the launch of Active School Week 2014...

The Minister for European Affairs, Paschal Donohoe, is attending the Foreign Affairs Council in Brussels today, which is expected to be dominated by the crisis in Ukraine...

Today (Sunday 11th May, 2014), An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD accompanied by Jimmy Deenihan T.D., Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and Chair of the National Famine Commemoration...

