
The Minister of State at the Department of Defence and Government Chief Whip, Mr. Paul Kehoe T.D., and a colour party of the Irish Defence Forces arrived in Dublin Airport this morning on their return from Arlington National Cemetery in...

The Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore has tonight in Brussels reached an agreement with the European Parliament’s chief negotiator on the EU’s budget for the next seven years....

At its meeting today, the Government nominated two persons for appointment by the President to the High Court and two persons for appointment by the President to the District Court....

As part of Ireland’s EU Presidency, Frances Fitzgerald TD, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, is to host a two-day expert round-table event on the contribution of youth work to youth employment, commencing tomorrow Thursday 20th June...

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney, TD today announced the Government decision in relation to the...

Energy Minister, Pat Rabbitte T.D. today announced the first tranche of exemplar energy efficiency projects to be supported by the...

Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD, will tomorrow (Thursday)co-chair a meeting of the EU's Employment...

Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD today [Wednesday] signed the Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual...

Public Transport Minister, Alan Kelly, cycled with almost 500 students today as part of ‘National Cycle to School’ Day...

Speaking in Geneva today (Tuesday), where he is chairing an informal meeting of Ministers of Labour and Social Affairs taking place alongside the 102nd International Labour Conference, jointly organised by the ILO and the Irish Presidency...

