
The Minister for Housing & Planning, Ms. Jan O’Sullivan, TD, and the Minister for Disability, Equality, Mental Health & Older People, Ms. Kathleen Lynch, TD, today...

At the end of 2011 weekly payments were made to over 1.4 million people and when qualified adults and children were included, over 2.2 million people benefited each week...

The Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairí Quinn T.D., and the Minister of State for the Office of Public Works (OPW), Brian Hayes T.D., today (Friday 20th July) announced the winner of a competition to...

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney TD, today welcomed the agreement which has been reached with the veterinary authorities in Singapore which will allow for the importation of...

The Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence Mr. Alan Shatter, T.D., today published the National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Bill...

Ms Kathleen Lynch T.D., Minister for Disability, Equality, Mental Health & Older People today (20 July 2012) published the Report of the Value for...

The Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Frances Fitzgerald TD, is today publishing the Final Report of the Task Force on the Child and Family Support Agency. Publishing the report, the Minister described it...

Frances Fitzgerald TD, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs has today confirmed that the 5th annual report of the Special Rapporteur on Child Protection, Mr Geoffrey Shannon, is due be presented to...

“I met today with representatives of the Omagh Support and Self-help Group and received from them a copy of a report they have on events relating to...

The Minister for Housing and Planning, Jan O’Sullivan T.D., has today (19 July, 2012) published the Residential Tenancies (Amendment)(No. 2) Bill 2012 which will see: Those tenancies in the voluntary...

