
The Health Protection Surveillance Centre has today been informed that a patient diagnosed with COVID-19 in Ireland has died.

Minister stresses the sectors’ vital role in the continuity of food supply

The Minister for Agriculture Food & Marine, Michael Creed T.D., has today welcomed a statement on behalf of seven of the largest Fishing Organisations from across the Country.

Following the announcement yesterday of sustainability measures in response to Covid-19 by the Government, Minister Katherine Zappone, has provided further details to support the Childcare sector.

Statement from the National Public Health Emergency Team 23rd March...

The Government has today announced a National Covid-19 Income Support Scheme to provide financial support to Irish workers and companies affected by the crisis...

The Government has today announced a National Covid-19 Income Support Scheme. This will provide financial support to Irish workers and companies affected by the crisis...

The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine is prepared to consider exempting tillage farmers from the two/three crop requirement under Greening due to the exceptionally wet weather.

The Minister for Finance and Public Expenditure & Reform, Paschal Donohoe TD, today (Monday) welcomed the ongoing work of the credit union sector to support members in difficulties due to COVID-19.

Statement from the National Public Health Emergency Team 22nd March

